Fall Open House

FALL OPEN HOUSE: October 27, 2021, 6:00PM
Interested families are invited to campus to learn more about our Catholic Education, College Preparatory Academics, Brotherhood, Student Life, and rich tradition of Winning, with Honor. All grade levels are welcome.
To ensure the safety of our community, our campus tours will be limited capacity. Tours begin at 6:00PM and the final tour will begin at 7:30PM. In addition to tours, our faculty, staff, students, and coaches are eager to meet you and share information about our many programs.
All attendees will be required to wear a well-fitting mask. If you or anyone in your party is not feeling well or is symptomatic, please do not attend.
O’Dea will validate parking at the Cabrini Center Garage located across the street from the O’Dea parking lot on Marion Street.