In over thirty years of service to O’Dea High School, I have come to appreciate and celebrate the value of an O’Dea education. A strong identity as a 21st century Seattle Archdiocesan Catholic school in the Blessed Edmund Rice tradition provides the young men of O’Dea with a quality, Catholic college-preparatory education. The dual characteristics of being rooted in the local Church while at the same time being part of Edmund Rice Schools International affords the school an attractiveness unique within the Archdiocese.
As you come to learn more about O’Dea and our mission, history, and programs, I know you too will come to realize the importance of an O’Dea education to young men today. One of my favorite O’Dea mottos states, “With Tradition Comes Responsibility.” We take this responsibility to heart and recognize the trust our parents have that their sons will be challenged to reach their full potential as they mature into young men who are dedicated to living lives based on O’Dea’s core values of character, faith, and service.
I am proud of my association with a school community known for its academic excellence, dedicated faculty and staff, community spirit and talented young men. As Principal, I continuously strive to enhance our school programming so that when an O’Dea student, teacher, parent, alumni or benefactor visits our school, they too will be filled with pride. While nothing can truly replace the energy and excitement one feels when walking through the front doors of O’Dea, we have tried to capture the warmth and spirit of our campus community here online. Whether you are a graduate looking to reconnect with a classmate or teacher, a current parent or student, or a prospective family, please navigate these pages and take in all that O’Dea has to offer.
Herbert Spencer (1820-1903) stated, “The great aim of education is not knowledge, but action.” As I reflect on the meaning of a Catholic education at O’Dea, I am convinced that this British social philosopher had it exactly right. What is the value of a 4.0 GPA without character, integrity, or a clear sense of purpose? What is the meaning of victory on the athletic field without discipline, sportsmanship, and selflessness? At O’Dea, we challenge our students to pursue academic excellence grounded in the Catholic faith tradition of Blessed Edmund Rice. Our athletic teams are not only remembered by the number of banners hanging in the gym, but by the lessons learned that have made our graduates better husbands, fathers and members of their communities.
Our teachers and coaches, administrators and staff members, are committed to making a positive difference in your son’s life – the O’Dea difference. We offer courses in math and science, theology and history, international language and English, but more importantly, we educate young men – your son, God’s greatest gift to you. We have a proud tradition of producing young men who are prepared to live their lives based on the Essential Elements of an Edmund Rice Christian Brother Education. Please pray that God continues to bless all of us with His grace as we seek to educate the hearts and minds of your student and prepare him for success now and forever.
James Walker