The O’Dea Fund is the cornerstone of O’Dea, ensuring the experience which develops our students into men of character, faith, and service. Every year, donors like you, support this critical effort, providing the needed funds for the exceptional education preparing O’Dea students for their lives.
Every gift to O’Dea – large or small – plays a role in pushing us forward.
Gifts to the O’Dea Fund are unrestricted and can be directed toward the area of greatest interest to you, our generous donor.
Academics & Counseling
Your gift assures the best academic experience and social and emotional learning by funding Character Strong and our diverse learners programs through the counseling office. Plus, expanding partnerships with local universities and businesses in engineering and medicine, O’Dea students are exceptionally prepared for the careers of tomorrow.
Faith & Service
Anchoring our Catholic values through Campus Ministry and Theology classes are critical to imparting a strong moral and ethical structure within our students. Your gifts ensure this experience through support of Encounter Retreats, Ministry Leadership, and fostering deep connections with others through service projects which benefit our surrounding communities.
Student Life & Athletics
Connecting students to one another begins in the House System, on the playing field, and in the studio. Your generosity benefits the young men of O’Dea through cross-grade mentorship programs, athletics, eSports, music, and more. Whether they join DECA, the choir, or our service organization – Brothers for Others – students create lifelong friendships joining a longstanding tradition of Brotherhood, synonymous with O’Dea.
Technology & Facilities
As a Microsoft Showcase School, and because O’Dea is in a tech hub, it is important to prepare our students for the careers of the future. Whether we are upgrading servers, replacing classroom monitors, or implementing new programs like EdgeGain, or, updating and upgrading our beloved 802 Terry Avenue building, your gifts will make an impact in the daily lives of O’Dea students.
Financial Aid
Supporting young men who have been accepted to O’Dea, but who require financial aid to attend is a significant part of our mission in service to our community. Socio-economic diversity is woven throughout the fabric of O’Dea’s history and continuing that mission today and ensuring it into the future is who we are. This year, that need is $2M.