O'Dea High School

O’Dea High School invites you to the 2020 House Institute

June 23-24, 2020

The institute brings together students and school personnel from around the country to learn about and discuss aspects of implementing, developing, and improving House Systems. The institute is designed for administrators, faculty, and staff that are interested in implementing a program or have a role in House Systems and are interested in sharing ideas for improvement. Speakers will include House Directors, Deans, Mentor Teachers, Student Leaders, O’Dea Graduates and Experts in Social and Emotional Development.

House System Institute Topics

  • Developing and Launching a House Program
  • Social and Emotional Development
  • Developing Cultures of Care and Support
  • Adult and Student Leadership Development
  • Using Technology
  • Inclusive Competition
  • Mentor Group Development
  • Increasing School Connection

Questions? Please contact Rory McNulty, Director of House at [email protected]