O'Dea High School


The purpose of this page is to share information and procedures related to O’Dea’s COVID-19 response plan in order to maximize in-person instruction and minimize COVID-19 transmission. Our goal is to provide clarity on decisions, high-level steps to take, and considerations required to prepare and support O’Dea’s operations as the COVID-19 pandemic continues.

The most effective ways to protect yourself and others against COVID-19 are to stay up to date on vaccinations, monitor and test after exposure, clean your hands frequently, cover your cough with the bend of an elbow or tissue, and stay home if you have symptoms. Other layering mitigation strategies include proper ventilation and cleaning.

If your son tests positive for COVID-19, please contact Laura Weinand, Chief Financial Officer.

We support and respect all people who choose to wear a mask.



Vaccination is the most effective strategy available to protect vaccine-eligible children and adults from severe disease including hospitalization and death, due to COVID.  Staff,  volunteers, and students are urged to be up to date with their vaccinations.

Face Covering/Mask Protocol

Face-Covering/Mask Protocol 

Face coverings are required when someone becomes sick at school and is waiting to go home.

A face covering should be worn on days 6-10 at school after isolating at home with COVID-19.

O’Dea supports and respects students and staff who choose to wear a mask in all situations.

General Information

A cloth face covering is anything that completely covers the mouth and nose and fits securely on the sides of the face and under the chin. We urge all community members to wear the best quality and best fitting masks available.

See the Public Health Seattle & King County Guidance for information on types of masks.

Personal Hygeine

Wash hands for 20 seconds frequently using soap and water or use a hand sanitizing solution of at least 70% alcohol, rubbing all areas of hands until dry. NOTE: Washing hands with soap and water is preferred and should be used wherever possible.


Staying Home When Sick

Staying home when symptomatic essential to keep all illnesses, including COVID-19 infections, out of schools and prevent spread to others. Staff and students who have any symptoms should stay home and seek medical evaluation, which should include testing for COVID-19 and other respiratory infections.

Returning to School Protocols


Any student with COVID-19 should isolate at home and follow the guidelines to return to school:

  • 5 days have passed since symptom onset, or since positive test collection date if no symptoms are present (Day 0 is the first day with symptoms); AND
  • No symptoms are present, or symptoms are resolving; AND
  • No fever within the past 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications.

Individuals who have been in isolation may test on day 5 of their isolation period. If the test result is positive, they should continue to isolate until day 10.


Students who have symptoms of COVID-19 should stay home, should get tested and/or see a health care provider, and should follow the return to school protocol.

  • Merv-13 air filters are installed inside our Air Handler Unit’s on the fourth floor, annex, and gymnasium. Merv-13 filters are recommended by the CDC as they hold a significantly higher volume of dust and other airborne particles in comparison to their counterpart. They are used throughout regional hospitals and healthcare facilities.
  • Portable Medify air purifier units are in classrooms and offices in the 1923 building which are not served by the Merv-13 air filters. The air purifiers draw the polluted air in a room into the unit and force that air through the filter, capturing 99.9% of harmful particles. They then return the purified air back into the room.
  • Screens are installed on all windows to allow windows to remain open and continue fresh air circulation.
Cleaning & Disinfecting

Cleaning and Disinfecting

In alignment with public health recommendations, O’Dea High School is taking measures to prevent community spread of COVID-19, which includes undertaking enhanced cleaning and disinfection procedures.