O'Dea High School

eSchool at O’Dea

As schools around the world shifted to remote learning in the spring of 2020, O’Dea was ready to make a seamless transition to a structured and effective eSchool program. Should the need for remote learning arise againwe are confident our faculty and students will be even better prepared 

Our eSchool day models a typical day at O’Dea with an academic schedule, breaks, and Mentor Group, a time set aside for students to engage in social and emotional learning. This schedule provides both academic enrichment and social opportunities for students. It also provides them with daily structure and routine, which comes from a consistent learning experience.  

Academically, eSchool at O’Dea is more than just receiving assignments or watching recorded lectures. Our emphasis on synchronous learning provides students with real-time engagement with their teachers and classmates, collaborative work, and robust educational activities to continue their learning. In Mentor Group, social and emotional learning continues to be an integral part of our students education by enhancing community and brotherhood across all grade levels. In addition, counselors and other academic support staff assist students with their various needs one on one through remote face to face meetings or on the phone. 

At the co-curricular level, athletic teams connect with their coaches and each other, our Strength and Conditioning Coach continues to work out with our students, and some clubs and activities continue to assemble remotely. 

While in-person instruction is the ideal teaching model, we are pleased to provide our students with a robust remote environment that provides them opportunities to learn, be engaged, and prepare them for the future.

Check out Jason Fridge ’21 showing us a Day in eSchool!


Live, synchronous learning is how O’Dea’s eSchool is able to provide a high level of education for our students when in-person learning isn’t possible. Students engage with their instructors and classmates, participate in discussions, and collaborate with their peers on projects and presentations on a daily basis. Faculty and students make use of a broad array of software applications that provide them with tools they need to teach, learn, and grow.

Biology Cell Lab at Home

Student Art Created on Adobe Fresco

PE Home Workouts

eSchool Schedule

The following schedule is used when students are not able to be at O’Dea in person due to inclement weather, government regulations, or closures due to illness.

Zero Period 
M1  8:00-8:55AM
M2 9:00-9:55AM
Break 10:00-10:25AM
M3 10:30-11:25AM
M4 11:30-12:25PM
Continuous Learning 12:30-1:30PM

Zero Period 
G1  8:00-8:55AM
G2 9:00-9:55AM
Mentor Group 10:00-10:30AM
Irish Block 10:35-11:25AM
G3 11:30-12:25PM
Continuous Learning 12:30-1:30PM

Guidelines & Expectations
  • On Time– Students are required to attend all classes in a timely manner and stay responsive throughout. Students are marked absent from class if they do not sign in within the first five minutes or non-responsive during the class period. We track absences just as we do during in-person instruction.
  • Dress Code– School appropriate attire (shirt, pants, appropriate content) is required at the start of each class. The school dress code does not apply, but students must be out of bed, dressed and ready to learn,
  • Camera Turned On and Eyes Visible– Students should have their cameras on and show they are engaged with their eyes visible on the screen.
  • Engaged in Learning– Students need to take control of their learning. In order to get the most out of this, they must actively decide they want to participate in learning. Students should be prepared to respond to teacher requests and student discussions at all times. Microphones should be muted when they are not in a discussion. Students should be upright and not laying down.
  • Communication– Students are required to communicate with their teacher early and often if they know there will be challenges in meeting guidelines.
  • Grading– Students are given feedback and evaluated in a similar way to traditional school. Students are responsible for all assigned work during eSchool. If there is a concern about workload or being able to finish an assignment, students need to communicate with their teachers early and often.

Students who are not able to follow these norms may be referred to the Dean of Students. If problems persist, a meeting with the Dean, student, teacher, and family will be required.

eSchool Support

Recognizing that eSchool is challenging for some of our students, we have added additional resources to support student achievement and well-being. To assist students who need academic or emotional support, O’Dea currently offers the following interventions and support:

Continuous Learning 

All teachers and support faculty will be available to engage students daily from 12:30 – 1:30 pm. The goal is to connect teachers with students for additional academic and/or social-emotional support. Students can sign up for small group meetings on Mon/Wed/Fri and 1:1 meetings on Tue/Thu. Please use the Continuous Learning Link to sign up for a session. Families are able to use the link to sign up for 1:1 sessions on Tue/Thu.

Academic Coaching

Academic coaching takes place following Continuous Learning at 1:30 pm. This support will be primarily for students who have an established Educational Support Plan and have been referred by the Student Support Team. The focus of this time will be to work with students on academics, study skills, organization, executive functioning skills, and self-advocacy. This intervention focuses on supporting student growth through targeted learning strategies, fostering a positive relationship with a designated faculty/staff member and setting student growth goals to become a more independent learner.  This support is centered around how to be successful in eSchool and how to grow an academic mindset. Students needing specific subject tutoring should attend Continuous Learning and Peer Tutoring.

Peer Tutoring

Peer Tutoring will happen on Tuesday and Thursday from 1:30 – 2:30 pm on the Student Services Team under the Peer Tutoring Channel. This group will be staffed by National Honor Society students and moderated by Ms. Unruh and Ms. Orizotti. Students can self-select or be referred by their teachers or families. Peer Tutoring is an effective resource for students who may need guided practice on homework, help studying for an upcoming exam, want to review specific skills and content, or who would benefit from having a peer to collaborate with. This is a great way for students to connect with one another and receive help with their eSchool work.

Teacher-Driven Accommodations 

Teachers will receive training and support in ways to differentiate instruction and employ classroom accommodations for students, especially those with documented and diagnosed learning needs.

Educational Support Plans

Students who have qualifying documentation to receive additional supports via an Education Support Plan (ESP) will have access to additional supports including in-class supports, after class supports, grading modifications, tutoring, small groups, extended deadlines, etc. as determined by the ESP team. We will have a team, led by Kate Orizotti, our Director of Educational Support, working to support these learners across all our educational models. If your son has an Educational Support Plan (ESP) the accommodations outlined on their plan will roll over year to year regardless of our annual meeting. We are working to meet with all students and families who qualify for an ESP which is a long process, so please watch for an e-mail from Kate Orizotti, Director of Educational Support, to schedule a review meeting this fall. If you have immediate concerns, please don’t wait on an email, reach out to Ms. Orizotti so we can update the ESP.

Classroom Supports 

Students who need additional support will have access to in-class supports in the eSchool model with our Intervention Support Teachers (IST). The IST staff will be teaming up with classroom teachers to support student learning during synchronous class meetings.

Student Support Team 

The Student Support Team manages referrals from the O’Dea community for students who have an academic, social and/or emotional concern. Anyone from the O’Dea Community, including faculty, staff, families and students are welcome to complete a referral to the Student Support Team. The team is made up of counselors, support staff, faculty and administration.

For questions or more information on O’Dea’s Academic Support options, please contact Kate Orizzoti, Director of Educational Support or Lucas Dobbs, Assistant Principal, Academics.


Technology Support

We recognize students need assistance with technology and are pleased to be able to provide them with the support they need. Students can rely on their teachers to meet many of their technological needs. In addition, they can contact David Olinger, Director of Digital Strategy, who works with students one on one to troubleshoot computer problems and help ensure they learn how to best use and manage their Surface device and its applications.

We also encourage parents to reach out to Mr. Olinger with questions.

Counseling Support

During times when our students are engaged in remote learning, our counseling team is still available to meet with students as needed virtually or on the phone.

9th/10th/11th Grade:

Kit Soldato
Students with Last Names A-G
[email protected] 

Lawrence Kight
Designated Students & Students with Last Names F-M
[email protected]

Erik Michels
Students with Last Names N-Z
[email protected]

Class of 2021: Modifications have been made to anyone assigned to Mr. Beck.

Last Names

F-G: Ms. Soldato

H-K: Mr. Michels

L-M: Mr. Kight

Family Resources